Newsletter, September 25, 2023
Gasbuster News release, September 25, 2023
The electrification revolution is underway.
July 19th, City Council expressed its support and adopted steps to pursue a ban in 2024 of the use of two-stroke engine small equipment including gas powered leaf blowers. The consultation process is underway to develop in early 2024, a new bylaw to prohibit its use.
The City of Toronto is phasing out the use of 2 stroke equipment in its own city operations and pursuing replacing it with electrical equipment.
Last week sessions of public hearings for input to the Implementation Review of Noise Bylaw were held. The City is aware that unreasonable power device noise remains at the top of mind for citizens, and is reaching out for input. Gas Powered Leaf Blowers and other garden equipment will be reviewed for noise restrictions by City Public Consultants before mid-December to City Councillors
The Toronto School Board will undertake a thorough competitive procurement process to select vendors that can supply quality non-gas-powered equipment at competitive prices and put in place a battery-return system to ensure that old batteries are managed in an environmentally responsible manner.
City councillors will vote on recommendations from Economic and Community Development on Noise levels from gas garden equipment including gas powered leaf blowers. (need date and facts)
Because the City approach is to develop partnerships for a clean transition with community organizations, service providers, equipment manufacturers and/or retailers and residents, Gasbusters needs your help so we can expand our membership with constituents in all ridings in Toronto to persuade more councillors to pass a ban on gas powered leaf blowers.
Membership needs to send emails to support noise restrictions for Gas Powered Leaf Blowers and other garden equipment before October 15th to
Your complaints to MLS/311, will be formally documented by MLS and tabulated numbers made available to councillors.
For more information, contact,